Magill Village - Project Details

Streetscape Renewal and Concept Design

The next stage of the Magill Village project involving streetscape renewal that incorporates paving, landscaping and street furniture has commenced. Road improvement works will include designated pedestrian crossings and new road surfacing, kerbing and storm water upgrades. Staff have gained approvals from the Department of Infrastructure Transport for these works. View the Magill Village Design Development Report(5656 kb) to see how the completed streetscape may look as part of the future stages of this project. In March 2022 a new concept design was introduced to provide additional details.

Magill Village Concept Plan Image - Pepper Street Art Gallery

A video reflecting the finished works has also been released (see below).

PLEC (Underground Power Lines) - Completed

Stage 1 (PLEC), the civil works incorporating trenching and boring for cables, has been completed. Stage 2 (PLEC), the energising of the new underground power lines, has also been completed.

Stage 1 involved:

  • constructing trenches on the road way along the extent of both sides of Magill Road and on a small section of all side streets, to house the underground powerlines
  • new electrical pits will be constructed in the road verge
  • new trenches will be constructed to connect the pits to the main powerline trench.

Stage 2 involved:

  • installing cable
  • removing stobie poles
  • connecting properties to the underground power lines.

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