Why become a Child Friendly City?

A Child Friendly City is a people-friendly city.  The most liveable cities are those that work for residents of all ages. A Child Friendly City is one where children and young people (0-18 years) are valued as citizens, their rights are recognised and their wellbeing is supported.

Campbelltown Council is committed to the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) and on 22 October 2015 was recognised as a Child Friendly City by UNICEF Australia.

UNICEF describes a Child Friendly City as a local system of good governance committed to fulfilling children’s rights.

A Child Friendly City is actively engaged in fulfilling the right of every young citizen to:

  • Influence decisions about their city
  • Express their opinion on the city they want
  • Participate in family, community and social life
  • Receive basic services such as health care and education
  • Drink safe water and have access to proper sanitation
  • Be protected from exploitation, violence and abuse
  • Walk safely in the streets on their own
  • Meet friends and play
  • Have green spaces for plants and animals
  • Live in an unpolluted environment
  • Participate in cultural and social events
  • Be an equal citizen of their city with access to every service, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, income, gender or disability.
  • It is a city where the voices, needs, priorities and rights of children are an integral part of public policies, programmes and decisions. It is, as a result, a city that is fit for all. ‘UNICEF, 2010’.