Request a Service: Customer Complaints

Make a Complaint About a Council Service

This is for complaints about a service Council has provided. This excludes requesting a service from Council such as a broken footpath which would require you to submit an Online Services request. We are committed to a transparent decision making processes which provide access to a fair and objective procedure for the handling of complaints. For further information view the Request for Service & General Complaint Handling Policy.

Product Complaint

Dissatisfaction with the quality of product that has been provided.  For example, kerbing, gutters or footpath works have been undertaken to an inferior standard, or promotional material has been distributed with incorrect information on it.


Service Complaint

Dissatisfaction with the level of service that has been provided.  This could be recently or over a long period, could be about a request of service (e.g. something fixed was done inefficiently or ineffectively, or information provided was incorrect), or that in the customer’s opinion Council should provide a service that it doesn’t.


Decision Complaint

Dissatisfaction with a decision made by Staff, a Committee or the Council (Elected Body).


Behaviour Complaint

Dissatisfaction with how an Elected Member, Staff Member or Contractor has treated a Customer (e.g. allegations of behavioural issues, rudeness, discrimination, etc).
