Milpara Fitness Park

  • Fitness equipment Fitness equipment
Facility type: Park

Campbelltown City Council was approached by ACH Group for advice on what opportunities were available for a parcel of land. Following discussions a partnership was established with an agreement to develop a recreational facility on the site.

The project brief aimed to provide an inviting recreational space for both local residents and members of Milpara Aged Care Facility. The design proposal needed to considered affordable elements which promoted self paced physical activity, health and mobility benefits for all. This was constrained by a limited budget of $50,000.

The location is prominent and easily accessible for all by pedestrians, public transport and vehicles. The fitness park provides the community with six low impact fitness machines strategically located along an organically shaped fitness trail. The trail outlines a middle open greenspace for families, elderly and individuals to undertake a multiple of uses. 

Key objectives of the Park:

  • Intergenerational interaction: The fitness equipment encourages the local community of all ages to communicate and socialize in a safe and relaxing environment.
  • Promoting activity: Low impact fitness trails promote users physical health and mental well being. The variety of equipment along the trail also makes it suitable for diverse users in the community.
  • Green space: The open grass a space has opportunity to hosts community events such as farmers marking selling local produce grow in the local area.


  • Bioswale
    The design took into consideration the natural slope of the existing site and the adjacent car park to capture overland flows of water in a man made bioswale. Riparian grass species are planted along the edge bank to improve the water quality with overflows from the car park and helps stabilize soils.
  • Native vegetation
    Australian Native vegetation and recycled mulch sets an example best practice for the local community.
  • Recycled seating
    Reclaimed tree trunks were used as natural seating and enhancing visual amenity. This natural component can also encourage children to explore imaginative play with nature.
  • Recycled mulch
    A mixture of local green waste was used to produce mulch for the site.  The natural mulch promotes the retention of water and therefore a more sustainable landscape.
Getting there:
147 St Bernards Road
Rostrevor SA 5073