Transport Services

The Campbelltown HSP is lucky to have the very generous voluntary service of a group of community minded people who make their time (and their cars) available to drive local residents to hospitals, medical appointments, Allied Health, social programs, hairdressers, exercises classes, clubs, groups and cemetery visits, both within the council area and occasionally outside.

Clients using the service must be able to transfer themselves to and from a car. Unfortunately we are not able to transport any persons in wheelchairs, contact the office to discuss your transport needs. Walking aids are accepted provided they can be folded and fit safely in the car.

Occasionally, Campbelltown HSP staff may offer you a half price taxi voucher if your transport request is outside of normal operating times, or if you are returning from an appointment in the city.  It is difficult for volunteers to provide a return trip in these circumstances due to parking problems.

For more information contact the Volunteer Transport Coordinator on 08 8366 9283

Client contribution is applicable for transport services.