EveryAGE Counts

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EveryAGE Counts is an advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism against older Australians. It is an ambitious campaign spearheading a social movement with a challenging goal: to shift social norms (those unwritten rules of common thinking and behaviour) and positively influence the way Australia thinks about ageing and older people.

Ageism is not benign or harmless. It is a big problem because it impacts on our confidence, quality of life, job prospects, health, and control over life decisions. It is pervasive but often hidden. It can distort our attitudes to older people and ageing and have profound negative impacts on our personal experience of growing older. The impacts of ageism can prevent or limit us from contributing and participating in our communities – socially, economically and as full citizens – and even impact our physical health and longevity. As well as its individual impacts, ageism can also deny society the enormous range of benefits that can flow, economically and socially, from the full participation of older people.

The EveryAGE Counts campaign vision is “a society where every person is valued, connected and respected regardless of age and functional health”.

To read more about the EveryAGE counts campaign, visit www.everyagecounts.org.au.

Ageism is stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment based solely upon age. Ageism, when directed towards older people, is having negative attitudes and beliefs about what it means to be older, and not recognizing the rights, contributions and value of older people.

It is very common in Australia and, without realising it, most of us are a little bit ageist at least some of the time.

Ageism includes not only the way we think and feel about ageing and older adults, but also the way we act. Media often present stereotypical characters and situations that reinforce negative community beliefs and attitudes towards older people.

‘Tackling Ageism’ is one of the focus areas of the Active Ageing Advisory Committee and members are actively campaigning to raise awareness of ageism and discrimination.

Ageism is another ‘ism’ - like racism and sexism.

Research from the Drivers of Ageism Report produced by The Benevolent Society shows that ageism can be a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’, leading to internalised and reinforced perceptions of our own self-worth.  Evidence shows the negative impacts of ageism not only limits the potential opportunity for older Australians to participate fully in the community, but also significantly impacts their overall health and wellbeing.

Do this fun, two minute quiz to see where you sit on the ageism spectrum. Don't think too much or try to find the 'right' answer, just click one of the three option, quickly and honestly.

Take the Quiz

Tackling ageism is everyone’s responsibility. You may think that being ageist doesn’t affect you, but it does. The culture we set now, about how we treat older people will be exactly what we inherit, as we get older. When you discriminate against an older person you are actually discriminating against your future self.

EveryAGE Counts is an advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism against older Australians.  Council is proud to be member of the EveryAGE Counts Coalition and as an organisation, we commit to the campaign pledge.

Take the Pledge

"I stand for a world without ageism where all people of all ages are valued and respected and their contributions are acknowledged.

I commit to speak out and take action to ensure older people can participate on equal terms with others in all aspects of life."