Strategic Plans

During 2020, Council worked with 414 Community Members to prepare a new Strategic Plan.

The new Plan is responsive to Community feedback and the changing world we live in, and has resulted in a change in strategic direction to help build greater Community connections, enhance our assets and preparedness for climate change and plan for Community needs and future pressures that are expected to be faced by our Council.

Our new Vision ‘A safe, sustainable, vibrant Community’ and Mission 'The Community is the centre of everything we do'  are a continual reminder that we need to place our ratepayers and residents at the heart of our service delivery.

Our new goals are a direct correlation to what the Community told us is most important for us to focus on for the next 4 years and beyond, and remind us to collaborate with our Community, businesses, other tiers of governments, and non-government organisations when working on business as usual or challenging the norm and trying new things:

  • Supporting our Community
  • Greening our City
  • Enhancing our Assets
  • Planning for our Future
  • Leading our People

We would like to thank everyone who shared their ideas and aspirations for Campbelltown during the development of this plan and our other strategic plans.