LOMBARDI, Andrea & Teresa

Andrea Lombardi was born on 30 November 1923 and Teresa Calcutta was born on 4 January 1925. They married on the 26 January 1947.

Andrea Lombardi and his wife Teresa with their four children, Mary, Josie, Attilio and Tony, left Campobasso, Italy in May 1955 on the ship 'The Australian.'

They arrived in Melbourne, Australia on the 2 June 1955 and travelled by train to Adelaide. 

Migrant Monument Website - LOMBARDI Andrea

Andrea Lomardi and wife Teresa

They met Andrea's brother-in-law, Dominic Molino, who took them to Victor Harbor where they resided for one year. They moved from St Peters to Unley, and finally established themselves at 15 East Street, Hectorville in 1961. The last member of the family, Lucy was born in 1960.

Andrea worked on a dairy farm while he was living in Victor Harbor. In Adelaide, he worked for 'Wick Burnside' and 'Peter Fisher Construction' as a labourer. He finished his career with E&WS Department, and retired in 1988. Teresa performed home duties and looked after their children.

Teresa Lombardi passed away on the 18 December 1995, aged 70 years old. Andrea Lombardi still resides in Hectorville today.

The above was put together by son Attilio Lombardi, of 10 Doradus Ave, Hope Valley on the 29 April 2003.