FITT, Ronald and Violet Jane

At the age of 22 years my late husband Ronald Fitt and myself Violet Jane Fitt having married in Kent, England emigrated to Australia. In 1947 we sailed on the 'SS Malota' with our daughter Veronica of 18 months old.

Our eventful journey took us through the Mediterranean and Red Sea where we encountered monsoons and a temperature of 140 F in the shade. There were 300 children on board all with a heat rash.

In 1950 we bought our first house at Brooklyn Park.

My daughter married in 1966 and had 3 children and built their first home at Rostrevor.

My husband passed away in 1972 and I re-married in 1975. Since my second husband's decease 12 years ago, I have made my home here in Newton.

Migrant Monument Website - FITT Ronald and Violet Jane